
Greetings, OpenShift users! See the links below to get started with your Entando journey or click here to learn how Entando can be used to generate micro frontends and microservices within OpenShift.

Begin Developing

with Entando

Application Composition Platform for OpenShift

Get Started
with Entando in
3 Easy Steps

New to Entando? Check out our Documents and Tutorials where you’ll get hands-on experience with the platform.

Connect to OpenShift

To install an Entando Application, follow the steps below or use the Entando Operator through the OperatorHub.

Deploy a local OpenShift instance. Alternatively, request the default hostname and credentials from your managed cluster administrator.

Note the IP address of your instance. This is YOUR-IP in the steps below.

crc ip

Login to OpenShift from the command line

oc login

Prepare OpenShift

Install the cluster-scoped Entando custom resource definitions (CRDs)

oc apply -f

Create the Entando project

oc new-project entando

Install the namespace-scoped Entando custom resources

oc apply -n entando -f

Download the `entando-app.yaml` template

curl -sLO ""

Edit `entando-app.yaml` with the hostname for your application


Deploy Entando

Install Entando

oc apply -n entando -f entando-app.yaml

Watch the pods warming up. Use `Ctrl+C` to stop watching the deployment.

oc get pods -n entando --watch

Access Entando from your local browser

http://YOUR-HOST-NAME/app-builder/, e.g.

Login to the Entando App Builder

username: admin, password: adminadmin

Choose an action from Next Steps to continue your journey with Entando!