# Quick Reference

Just the steps, for advanced users.

Install Multipass (opens new window)

Launch VM

multipass launch --name ubuntu-lts --cpus 4 --mem 8G --disk 20G

Open Ubuntu shell

multipass shell ubuntu-lts

Install k3s

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -

Check for node ready

sudo kubectl get node

Create namespace

sudo kubectl create namespace entando

Deploy custom resource definitions

 sudo kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/entando/entando-releases/v6.5.4/dist/ge-1-1-6/namespace-scoped-deployment/cluster-resources.yaml 

Deploy namespace scoped assets

 sudo kubectl apply -n entando -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/entando/entando-releases/v6.5.4/dist/ge-1-1-6/namespace-scoped-deployment/orig/namespace-resources.yaml 

Download Helm chart (or generate your own (opens new window))

curl -sfL https://github.com/entando-k8s/entando-helm-quickstart/archive/v6.3.2.tar.gz | tar xvz

Configure external access to your cluster with your VM IP

hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'

Edit the file in sample-configmaps/entando-operator-config.yaml and uncomment the value for entando.default.routing.suffix: and set the value to the IP address of your Ubuntu VM plus .nip.io. For example, entando.default.routing.suffix: Pay attention to yaml spacing

Deploy Entando

sudo kubectl apply -f sample-configmaps/entando-operator-config.yaml -n entando
sudo helm template quickstart ./ | sudo kubectl apply -n entando -f -

Check for quickstart-composite-app-deployer with a status of completed using the command below

sudo kubectl get pods -n entando --watch

Get URL to access Entando App Builder from your browser

sudo kubectl get ingress -n entando -o jsonpath='{.items[2].spec.rules[*].host}{.items[2].spec.rules[*].http.paths[1].path}{"\n"}'