# Invoking Entando Core APIs

This tutorial describes how to set up an environment ready to invoke Entando Core APIs using Postman. Entando uses Swagger to automatically generate OpenAPI documentation that describes the available APIs.

Entando core APIs are accessible from a base URL such as localhost:8080/entando-de-app/api. For example, the page controller is available under /pages at the URL localhost:8080/entando-de-app/api/pages. The page template controller is available at localhost:8080/entando-de-app/api/pageModels.

To perform extensive testing with APIs on Postman, set up an environment and define a variable to host the access token saved with a POST request to /oauth/token. This should provide access to all API endpoints and actions for which the user is authorized.

Refer to User Management Roles for more details.

# Prerequisites

  • Basic knowledge of Postman. You can download the Postman application or use Postman on the web. The latter requires changes to the Keycloak configuration.
  • A local running copy of the Entando App Engine. For more details, refer to the Entando App Engine GitHub Readme (opens new window).
  • An enabled Swagger UI

# Set Up a Postman Environment

  1. Create a new Postman environment and define the following variables:
access_token: #no value
refresh_token: #no value
url: #URL of your application (i.e. http://localhost:8080/entando-de-app)`

Be careful with the URL variable and make sure you do not have a trailing slash.

  1. Set Postman to use this environment.

# Get an Access Token

  1. Create a new collection. Give it an appropriate name like "Access Token."

  2. Create a new POST request with the following parameters. Note we are calling the "URL" environment variable for convenience.

    • URL → "/api/oauth/token"

    • Auth section

      1. Type → Basic Auth
      2. Enter Username and Password. Valid Entando credentials are required. They will be the same as used for the App Builder.
    • Headers section
      Create a new Key-Value pair as shown:
      "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

    • Body section

      1. Select "x-www-form-urlencoded" from the drop-down menu
      2. Create Key-Value pairs for username and password.
        Key: "username", Value: #valid entando username such as admin
        Key: "password", Value: #password of the valid user
        grant_type: password
    • Tests section
      Enter the following code so new requests can make use of the access token.

      var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
      postman.setEnvironmentVariable("access_token", data.access_token);
      Details about the codeThe first line of code defines a variable called "data", which hosts the JSON-parsed responseBody from the POST request sent to /oauth/token. The second line sets the environment variable "access_token" to the value returned by the POST request.
  3. Send the POST request. If successful, you should get a response like this:

    { "access_token": "b96096493a40b1a7364bd54a6ffb609b", "token_type": "bearer", "refresh_token": "79ff84062b5dc13663961a833b0788f9", "expires_in": 3599 }

Checking your Postman environment, you should see that the access_token and the refresh_token variable values have been updated.

# Prepare a Generic API Request

  1. Create a new request with the following parameters:

    • Authorization section
      Type: "Inherit auth from parent"

    • Headers section
      Create the following Key-Value pairs:

      • Key: "Authorization", Value: "Bearer"
      • Key: "Content-Type", Value: "application/json"
  2. Select the appropriate method (GET, DELETE, POST, etc.) for your request and enter the URL with appropriate values, (i.e. localhost:8080/entando-de-app/api/pages).

  3. Add the relevant payload in JSON format to the Body section. Remember to select raw and JSON (application/json).

  4. Submit your test to check for the appropriate response.