# Backing Up and Restoring Keycloak

This tutorial describes how to backup an active Entando Identity Management Keycloak instance and restore it in another environment.

# Prerequisites

A Keycloak instance running on Entando with a database management system (DBMS) in the backend. This procedure will not work with an embedded database.

# Create a Backup of Keycloak Realm

  1. From the command line, get the pod name of the Keycloak server you wish to back up. In a quickstart environment, the pod name will begin with default-sso-in-namespace-deployment.

Note: Additional memory and/or CPU (opens new window) may be required for the export to run successfully in the Keycloak pod, e.g., 250m CPU and 2G memory. Edit the default-sso-in-namespace-deployment to adjust the resource requests and/or limits.

  1. Use kubectl to start a bash shell in the pod:
 kubectl exec -it YOUR-KEYCLOAK-POD-NAME -- bash
  1. Create a new directory in /tmp with:
mkdir -p /tmp/export 
  1. Run the following script to retrieve the data for the Entando realm and save it to a JSON file in the export directory. A new Keycloak server will run on a different port (offset=200) to avoid conflicts with the original Entando Keycloak instance.
/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/standalone.sh -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=200 -Dkeycloak.migration.action=export -Dkeycloak.migration.provider=singleFile -Dkeycloak.migration.realmName=entando -Dkeycloak.migration.usersExportStrategy=DIFFERENT_FILES -Dkeycloak.migration.file=/tmp/export/keycloak-realm.json
  1. Once the export is complete, press Ctrl+C to stop the process.
  2. Type exit to close the bash shell in the pod.
  3. Execute this command to copy the realm data file to the proper location:
kubectl cp YOUR-KEYCLOAK-POD-NAME:/tmp/export/keycloak-realm.json keycloak-realm.json

# Import the Keycloak Realm

  1. Login to the new Entando Keycloak server where the realm is to be restored.

  2. From the left sidebar, go to Import.

  3. Click Select file button and upload the JSON file. You will see the following page:

Entando ID Management UI

  1. You have now successfully imported the Keycloak realm to a new environment.


If you are using a different environment, with a different hostname, you should import only users or set the flag for If a resource exists to Skip.