# Bundle Upgrade Guideline

This guideline describes the process for upgrading a git-based bundle to the docker-based bundle (v5) introduced in Entando 7.1.

Git-based bundles do not need to be to upgraded. Both types of bundles are compatible with Entando 7.1+, but the v5 bundles provide several innovations and an improved developer experience.

The improvements include:

  • A simplified bundle directory structure
  • A decoupled build and deployment process that is easier to understand, modify, and troubleshoot
  • CI/CD integration and support
  • A single required Git source repository with Docker image repositories created automatically as needed
  • Optimized file storage and transfer methods using a layered file system, beneficial for large projects
  • A standardized bundle address format

# Quick References

# Upgrade Process

# 1. Initialize Bundle

Initialize a new bundle to set up the docker-based bundle structure using the ent CLI:

ent bundle init YOUR-BUNDLE-NAME

# 2. Copy Assets

  1. Use the ent CLI bundler command to export assets from an existing Entando Bundle. See the step-by-step Export and Publish Tutorial.

  2. The platform directory is designated for resources such as fragments, contents, pages, and templates. Copy the output of the ent bundler to 'YOUR-BUNDLE-NAME/platform`.

-You can also accomplish this manually, but the ent bundler can automatically generate top-level descriptors for platform resources.
-Widgets that are not MFEs are considered platform entities on Entando and should be placed in the platform/widgets directory.

# 3. Add Micro Frontends & Microservices

  1. From inside your bundle project folder, add your micro frontend to the bundle descriptor entando.json:
ent bundle mfe add YOUR-MFE

Docker-based bundles have a centralized bundle descriptor that includes specifications for bundle entities such as micro frontends, microservices, and platform components.

  1. Copy the MFE files into YOUR-BUNDLE-NAME/microfrontends. For instance, for an MFE named YOUR-MFE:

Micro frontends and microservices are placed in their own directories in v5 bundles to streamline the CI/CD process.

  1. Add your microservice:
ent bundle ms add YOUR-MS
  1. Copy YOUR-MS files to the new location:
  1. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for all micro frontends and microservices.

# 4. Add API Claims

  1. Add an API claim to connect YOUR-MFE to a microservice as needed. The connection information is added to the descriptor entando.json.
ent bundle api add YOUR-MFE YOUR-API --serviceName=YOUR-MS --serviceUrl=http://localhost:8081
  1. Repeat the previous step for all APIs as needed.

Refer to the API Management page for additional information.

# 5. Add Custom Commands to Test Locally (Optional)

For local development and testing, a custom command can be provided in the entando.json to specify a different port for each MFE as shown below:

    "microfrontends": [
            "name": "YOUR-MFE",
            "customElement": "YOUR-MFE",
            "stack": "react",
            "type": "widget",
            "group": "free",
            "publicFolder": "public",
            "commands": {
                "run": "npm install && PORT=3000 npm start"
            "apiClaims": [
                    "name": "YOUR-API",
                    "type": "internal",
                    "serviceName": "YOUR-MS"
            "name": "YOUR-MFE2",
            "customElement": "YOUR-MFE2",
            "stack": "react",
            "type": "widget",
            "group": "free",
            "publicFolder": "public",
            "titles": {
                "en": "YOUR-MFE2",
                "it": "YOUR-MFE2"
            "commands": {
                "run": "npm install && PORT=3001 npm start"
            "apiClaims": [
                    "name": "YOUR-API2",
                    "type": "internal",
                    "serviceName": "YOUR-MS2"

In production, all microservices must run on port 8081.

# 6. Add Auxiliary Services

Copy auxiliary services such as DBMS or Keycloak into the svc directory as needed and enable them for local testing. For a Keycloak service:

ent bundle svc enable keycloak

For details on adding services, see the Auxiliary Services page.

# 7. Pack and Install

Build and install your bundle.

For an example tutorial, see Generate Microservices and Micro Frontends.