# Content Delivery Server for Multitenancy

An Entando Content Delivery Server (CDS) is required in order to enable multiple tenants to be served by the same Entando Application. This tutorial describes the steps required to setup CDS and configure the Entando App Engine to use it.

# Prerequisites

# Create the CDS Resources

A set of resources are necessary to separate the storage and user data for the primary and each secondary tenant. For secondary tenants, simply provide a new tenant identifier referred to as YOUR-TENANT-NAME.

  1. Log in to the Keycloak admin console and get the RSA key for your realm by going to Realm SettingsKeys.
  2. Click on Public Key for rsa-generated provider and copy the content. This will be YOUR-PUBLIC-KEYCLOAK-KEY below.
  3. Download the template entando-cds.yaml:
curl -sLO "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/entando/entando-releases/v7.2.2/dist/ge-1-1-6/samples/entando-cds.yaml"
  1. Replace the placeholders in entando-cds.yaml with the appropriate values for your environment.


  • The storage limit and request is set to 1Gi and can be modified on the persistent volume claim.
  • The file upload size limit is set to 150m and can be configured via the ingress annotations.
  • In order to enable TLS, add a TLS secret and configure it on the ingress. Note that public URLs (e.g., CDS_PUBLIC_URL) should use the same http or https protocol as the Entando Application. Private/cluster-level URLs (e.g., CDS_PRIVATE_URL) should use http.
  • The same Keycloak public key can be used if all the tenants share a Keycloak instance using different realms.
Placeholder Description
YOUR-APP-NAME The name of the application, e.g., quickstart
YOUR-HOST-NAME The base host name of the application, e.g., your-domain.com
YOUR-TENANT-NAME The identifying name of the current tenant. In most cases it will also be used to determine the base URL of the tenant. For example, yoursite results in yoursite.your-domain.com.
YOUR-PUBLIC-KEYCLOAK-KEY The public RSA key for the corresponding Keycloak instance. Make sure to retain the wrapping text with linefeeds: ---BEGIN PUBLIC KEY... END PUBLIC KEY---\n.
  1. Create the CDS resources:
kubectl apply -f entando-cds-YOUR-TENANT-NAME.yaml -n YOUR-NAMESPACE

# Configure the EntandoApp to use CDS


The Entando App Engine needs to be reconfigured just for the initial or primary tenant so all tenants use CDS in the same way.

  1. Scale the EntandoApp deployment down to 0 replicas:
kubectl scale deploy/YOUR-APP-NAME-deployment --replicas=0 -n YOUR-NAMESPACE
  1. Edit the deployment YAML and add these environment variables:
    - env: 
      - name: CDS_ENABLED
        value: "true"
      - name: CDS_PUBLIC_URL
      - name: CDS_PRIVATE_URL
        value: http://YOUR-TENANT-NAME-cds-service:8080
      - name: CDS_PATH
        value: /api/v1
  1. Remove the volume and volumeMount which were automatically created by the initial install process:
        - mountPath: /entando-data
          name: YOUR-APP-NAME-server-volume
      - name: YOUR-APP-NAME-server-volume
          claimName: YOUR-APP-NAME-server-pvc
  1. Scale the deployment back up to 1 or more replicas:
kubectl scale deploy/YOUR-APP-NAME-deployment --replicas=1 -n YOUR-NAMESPACE
  1. Confirm the CDS is working by checking that digital assets are served from the CDS_PUBLIC_URL. This includes images displayed on the sample page created by the Welcome Wizard.