# Building a Docker Image for the Entando Core

# Prerequisites

# Introduction

This tutorial will take you through the basic steps to create a docker image from an Entando core application. A more detailed guide with additional commands and configuration can be found here:

https://github.com/entando/entando-de-app (opens new window)

# Setup

  1. Clone the application at: https://github.com/entando/entando-de-app (opens new window) using

    git clone https://github.com/entando/entando-de-app
  2. On a command line, cd into the entando-de-app you just cloned:

    cd entando-de-app
  3. Build a docker image from the core app replacing the value of the tag in the -t with the tag you want to use for your image.

    mvn clean package
    docker build . -f Dockerfile.wildfly -t <YOUR-USER>/<YOUR-REPO-NAME>:<YOUR-VERSION>
  4. Create a repository on your docker repository to house your new application

  5. Push the Image to your Repository