# Page Management

The Entando App Builder provides the capability to publish application pages containing content as well as other Entando components. Page Templates are used to define the layout of available frames on a page.

# Create a Page

Follow the steps below to create a Page with a Content widget.

1. Go to PagesManagement.


2. Click the Add button.

This generates a form where the following fields are mandatory:

  • Title: used for SEO
  • Code: must be unique
  • Page placement: the location of the Page in the Page Tree
  • Owner Group: the Group that has access to the Page
  • Page Template: the structure and presentation of the Page


3. Click the Save and Design button.

This loads the Designer UI, which lets you place widgets into the Page Template frames.


4. Add a widget.

This is done by dragging a widget from the right panel into the desired frame. Adding the Content widget will load the configuration page shown below.


5. Click Add existing content.

This generates the content selection pop-up.


You can search for the name of the content that you would like to publish. Remember that content must be saved and approved before it can be published to a page.

6. Select the desired content item(s) from the list.

7. Click the Continue button.

The selected Content item will now be displayed.


8. Click the Save button.

The following actions are now available:

  • Click on the Preview button to show the page preview with the updated settings.
  • Click on the Publish button to publish the page.
  • Click on the View published page button to view the published page in your application.

# Page Templates

Page Templates provide the scaffolding of a Page and are constructed using two main elements:

  • A JSON configuration field which lists the set of frames that can be used on a page.
  • A Template field which uses Freemarker code to setup the HTML page itself.

# JSON Configuration

Each item in the frames array of the JSON configuration represents a frame or slot in the page, characterized by the following values:

  • pos: A zero-based position index (starts from zero). This value is used by APIs to address a specific widget on the page.
  • descr: The frame description displayed in the Page Design view.
  • mainFrame: This designates the primary frame in the Page Template.
  • defaultWidget: The code for a default widget to use in this frame. Page Template developers can use this field to provide suggestions for common widgets, e.g. header and footer widgets.
  • sketch: An object with 4 coordinates (x1,x2,y1,y2) to allow the developer to place the widgets in the Page preview. The x and y values go from 0 to 11 (similar to columns in Bootstrap), so if you want to place a 2x2 frame at the top left corner of the page, the values would be x1: 0, x2: 1, y1: 0 and y2: 1.

# Template

To add a frame in a specific place of the page, input <@wp.show frame=0 />, where frame is the pos variable from the JSON configuration. To setup the wp variable, <#assign wp=JspTaglibs["/aps-core"]> is required at the top of the template.

Common code can be shared across Pages by using UX Fragments and <@wp.fragment code="\<FRAGMENT\_CODE\>" escapeXml=false /\>.

# Create a Page Template

Follow the steps below to prepare a Page Template with two frames on it.

1. Go to PagesTemplatesAdd


2. Enter the field information below:

  • Code: double_frame (Note: Dashes are not allowed)
  • Name: Double Frame
  • JSON Configuration:
  "frames": [
      "pos": 0,
      "descr": "Frame 1",
      "mainFrame": false,
      "defaultWidget": null,
      "sketch": {"x1": 0, "y1": 0, "x2": 11, "y2": 1}
      "pos": 1,
      "descr": "Frame 2",
      "mainFrame": false,
      "defaultWidget": null,
      "sketch": {"x1": 0, "y1": 2, "x2": 11, "y2": 3}
  • Template:
<#assign wp=JspTaglibs["/aps-core"]>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
      <title><@wp.currentPage param="title" /></title>
    <h1><@wp.currentPage param="title" /></h1>
    <div><@wp.show frame=0 /></div>
    <div><@wp.show frame=1 /></div>

Include the following fragment in the head section to make use of the user's Keycloak identity information.

<@wp.fragment code="keycloak_auth" escapeXml=false />

3. Verify that the Template preview is reflecting the desired two frame layout.

4. Click the Save button.